State Leadership Conference 2024
Monday, March 11th
9am-4pm at The University of Vermont, Davis Center
9:00-10:00 - Registration, Tours & Expo
10:00-10:20 - Opening Ceremony
10:30-11:30 - WORKSHOP
11:40-12:40 - Lunch + Expo
12:45-1:45 - Vermont Comedy Club
1:45-2:15 - Break with Networking & Expo
2:15-4:00 - Awards Ceremony & Closing
SLC Lunch Menu
Garden Salad Choice of Ranch or Italian Dressing
Sandwiches: Lemon Basil Roasted Vegetable Slider, Classic Turkey Club Slider, Grilled Chicken Caeser Wrap
Dessert: Rice Krispie Bar, Brownie, Butter Sugar Cookies
*Please email Vermont HOSA for gluten-free needs
Dartmouth Health and Rutland Regional Medical Center have donated $1,500 to
VT HOSA. This amount will be divided into 6, $500 scholarships to offset student's costs to travel to Houston, Texas in June for ILC. Information on how to apply will be available after SLC. Thank you to these organizations for supporting Vermont Students!

1. Critical Care Transport; Presented by: Cami Pontarelli, Advanced EMT, The University of Vermont Health Network Critical Care Team
Come check out one of our mobile intensive care units, bringing the highest level of pre-hospital care, to patients throughout our region. Our Critical Care Nurses, Critical Care Paramedics, and EMTs carry a wide range of medications and equipment, to care for any patient.
2. Come tour The UVM Medical Center! Presented by: Charlie Gilroy, Laboratory Educator, UVMMC; Major Munson, Respiratory Clinical Educator, UVMMC; April Hatterick, Radiology Program Manager, UVMHN/ Sarah Jones, Supervisors of Outpatient Radiology
You will get a guided tour to see our Laboratory, Respiratory, and Radiology departments. We can't wait to show you some of the wonderful healthcare opportunities at UVMMC!
3. Medical Imaging; Presented by: Claudia Morvillo, X-Ray Supervisor, CVMC
Engage in a brief history of X-Ray and how it has developed into many modalities. Skeleton anatomy and some images of abnormalities are to be viewed.
4. A Day in the Life of a Bedside Nurse; Presented by: Nurse Educators, UVMMC
Become immersed in the care of a patient from a basic assessment to life-saving measures.
5. Navigating the Admissions Process; Presented by: Sarah Hobart, Sr Associate Director of Admissions
Hear directly from the UVM Admissions Office about what makes UVM an excellent college choice and how to best navigate and prepare for the admissions process.
6. UVM Extension Outreach; Presented by: Sarah Kleinman, MPA, Director, 4-H, Family, and Migrant Programs; Kara Bissonnette, Family Programs Coordinator; and Naomi Wolcott MacCausland, Ass’t Dir for Migrant Health
Come hear about the UVM Extension and all that we offer with health education outreach. We do prevention education, support access to healthcare for uninsured or immigrant populations, and much more. We will also be doing training to learn the signs and symptoms of overdose and how to deliver Narcan.
7. Vermont State University- “Can You Save a Life?”. Presented by Program Director, Tracy McGuinness M.Ed, RRT, CPFT, and Director of Clinical Education, Jeremy Cannata, BSRT, RRT, RPFT
Students will pair up into teams and attempt to stabilize a patient by providing supplemental oxygen and bag-mask ventilation to an airway manikin. Following this, students will attempt to establish an artificial airway by either inserting an endotracheal tube (ETT) into the manikin or securing a laryngeal mask airway (LMA). The students will learn the critical steps in maintaining a patent airway, restoring ventilation to a patient, and closed-loop communication.
8. Compassion Fatigue: Ways to fill your toolbelt and thrive as a healthcare worker. Presented by Amanda Enright, LICSW.
Come learn about ways to destress and cope with some of the occupational hazards, such as secondary trauma, that healthcare workers may face.
Workshop and Ticket Information has been emailed to Advisors
Past Information:
Registration opens December 8th - January 26th!
For the 2023 – 2024 membership year, a new system, the HOSA Digital Upload System, will be used. Tallo is no longer being used for HOSA purposes. This integrates with the existing HOSA Conference Management System (CMS) so the uploads will be very user-friendly for members and advisors.
Detailed instructions for uploading materials and registering for conferences using CMS can be found at: https://hosa.org/competitive-event-digital-uploads/
All chapters register for the SLC via HOSA’s online registration system.
The cost is $55.00 per participant (student, advisor, chaperone, etc.).
Make sure all students and advisors are affiliated with National HOSA before you begin to register for the SLC.
No refunds will be granted.
There will be absolutely NO changes for competitive events during the conference.
Payment should be made to VT HOSA-FHP and must be postmarked by February 2, 2024. Send payments with printed invoice to: Robin Dunican-VT HOSA-FHP, RTCC, 17 Forest St, Randolph, VT 05060.
UPDATE- Competitive Events (CE) Definitely Running for VT HOSA SLC:
Behavioral Health
CPR/First Aid
Extemporaneous Writing
Health Career Display
Health Career Photography
Medical Law & Ethics
Medical Terminology
Mental Health Promotion
Nursing Assisting
Prepared Speaking
Research Poster
VT HOSA-FHP SLC Possible Competitive Events
Tentative agenda for Monday March 11th
at UVM:
09:00-10:00-Registration, Tours & Expo
10:00-10:20- Opening Ceremony
10:30-11:30- WORKSHOP 1
11:40-12:40- Lunch & Expo
12:45-1:45- Vermont Comedy Club!
1:45-2:15- Break with Networking & Expo
2:15-4:00- Awards Ceremony & Closing
Important Dates
Friday January 26th
Registration CLOSES
Friday February 2nd Conference Payment Due
Payment should be made to: Robin Dunican-VT HOSA, RTCC, 17 Forest St, Randolph, VT 05060
Advisor Statement of Assurance form due (end of this document)
Week of February 12th VT HOSA-FHP SLC Competitive Events Week!
Monday February 12th
Online testing window opens-should complete all tests Monday & Tuesday if possible
HOSA Digital Upload System upload window opens
Wednesday February 14th
Online testing closes
HOSA Digital Upload System window closes (for all skill videos and upload documents/links)
Thursday February 15th
State Officer local advisor nominations due (see pg. 4 for details)
Friday February 16th
Makeup day if arranged by Local Advisor with State Advisor ahead of time
Do something fun as a HOSA-FHP chapter to celebrate your accomplishments this week!
Monday March 11th- VT HOSA-FHP LIVE SLC at UVM Davis Center! 9am-4pm
Friday April 26th
International Leadership Conference ILC Intent to Attend From deadline
May 10th
International Leadership Conference registration deadline. All membership and state conference invoices MUST be paid prior to registering for the ILC.
June 26-29th, 2024
International Leadership Conference—Houston, TX